Aïssi, Soukarieh, et al. MORFEE: a new tool for detecting and annotating single nucleotide variants creating premature ATG codons from VCF files. URL
@Article{, title = {{MORFEE}: a new tool for detecting and annotating single nucleotide variants creating premature ATG codons from VCF files}, author = {Dylan Aïssi and Omar Soukarieh and Carole Proust and Beatrice Jaspard-Vinassa and Pierre Fautrad and Manal Ibrahim-Kosta and Felipe Leal-Valentim and Maguelonne Roux and Delphine Bacq-Daian and Robert Olaso and Jean-François Deleuze and Pierre-Emmanuel Morange and David-Alexandre Trégouët}, journal = {bioRxiv}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.1101/2020.03.29.012054}, url = {}, }